
The Eureka Main Street newsletter is the best way to stay current on community events, local business, economic development, and fresh opportunities. Visit the NotifyMe! center to sign up for emails with the Eureka Main Street newsletter.

Business Partner Resources
Explore these essential resources for starting a business in Eureka, CA. Get valuable information to help your startup thrive in our vibrant community.
Cal Office of the Small Business Advocate (CalOSBA)
- Consulting services
- Training
- Grants
- Advocacy for underserved small business owners
- Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)
- Business Licenses
- Zoning/Permitting
Express Employment Professionals
- Full-time, Part-time, and Temporary positions
Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GoBiz)
- Consultation services
- Attraction, retention/expansion, site selection, permit assistance, regulatory guidance, small business assistance, international trade development, assistance with state government
The Greater Eureka Chamber of Commerce
- Leadership development programs
- Educational opportunities
- Business counseling
- Co-working space
- Conference & Meeting rooms
Headwaters Fund of Humboldt County
- Revolving Loan Fund
- Competitive and mini grants
Humboldt County Economic Development (GoHumCo)
- Grants
- Workforce solutions, on-the-job training programs, internships, paid work experience
- Purchase or expansion, micro loans to start or expand, commercial real estate
Redwood Region Economic Development Commission (RREDC)
- Business loans
- Start ups, expansions, acquisitions, line of credit, real estate, ag/natural resources
- Recruitment & Hiring
- Co-employment
Small Business Administration (SBA)
- Business planning, managing, and growth
- Prepare for emergencies
- Business loans
- Federal contracting
- Training
Small Business Development Center (SBDC)
- Trainings/Workshops
- Client Referral Directories
- Grants
- Loans
- Business planning
- Training
- Advocacy

Eureka Main Street -- Members Only
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